Bridgeport School District is hiring 4 paraeducators. Apply on-line at https://bridgeportjobs.hrmplus.net/. Interviews will be scheduled the week of September 13-17.

Transportation alert:
Due to a bus driver shortage, students may arrive home later than usual tomorrow and Friday, September 2-3.

Spanish Version:

English Version

Brandon Valdovinos -Valedictorian Speech
Miriam Jimenez-Salutatorian Speech
Lizette Trejo- Class President Speech

REMINDER: There is early release at noon on May 12th.

2021 FFA Plant Sale
Bridgeport School Greenhouse
3-5:30 May 5, 6, &7 (By appointment, sign up on greenhouse door)
9am-2pm May 8 (Come at any time!)
Venta de plantas FFA 2021
Invernadero de la escuela de Bridgeport
3-5:30 5, 6 y 7 de mayo (con cita previa, regístrese en la puerta del invernadero)
9 am-2pm 8 de mayo (Venga en cualquier momento)

REMINDER: Bridgeport School District will bring all students back to school for in-person learning 5 days a week starting Monday, April 12th.
RECORDATORIO: El Distrito Escolar de Bridgeport traerá a todos los estudiantes de regreso a la escuela para el aprendizaje en persona 5 días a la semana a partir del lunes 12 de abril.

Wednesday, March 31 at 6:00 pm via Zoom
miercoles, 31 de marzo a las 6:00 pm a través de Zoom
Zoom Link | Enlace de Zoom - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85146844604
Phone Number | Numero de Telefono - 12532158782
Meeting ID | ID DE REUNIÓN - 851 4684 4604

Liberty Bell to Host Suicide Prevention Training
In response to a recent suicide by a Brewster High School student, Liberty Bell High School is partnering with the University of Washington’s Forefront Suicide Prevention program to offer a training for parents and community members.
The event is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday (March 24) in the Liberty Bell cafeteria.
A virtual option is available through zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86486921877?pwd=Z0U5NmJwcXF4MG1yL0NLQUtqL1g5dz09, with meeting ID: 864 8692 1877 and passcode: Suicide.
The training includes “strategies and statements that can be used to help teens struggling with suicidal ideation,” the notice from Liberty Bell reads.
For more information, contact Liberty Bell counselor Erika Spellman at espellman@methow.org or go to https://intheforefront.org/ for more information on the UW program.

Okanogan County Family Friend & Neighbor Network is holding an event available to everyone. The Power of Play: Behavior Support & Learning
Okanogan County Family Friend & Neighbor Network está llevando a cabo un evento disponible para todos. El Poder Del Juego: Apoyo de conducta y aprendizaje

Together! for Youth y El Distrito Escolar de Wenatchee se enorgullece de ofrecer una oportunidad de aprendizaje en línea sobre la crianza de los hijos con amor y lógica
¡Registrar aquí, Escanea el código! O llame a Together! For Youth al 509-662-7201
A class in English soon to come.

Veterans Day - On Monday November 9th 2020 Ms. Witt's kindergarten class made cards for the 63 Veterans working out at Chief Joseph Dam to remember them and their service on Veteran's day. Each card was personalized with the veteran's name and military branch. Included are some pictures of a few of the veterans and the cards they received.

- With the exception of November 5th & 6th (conferences), the food program continues through our hybrid school schedule. Sack lunches are available for ALL children up to the age of 18. Children can still obtain food on the days they do not attend class in person.
Available for Pickup: Time: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Monday-Friday
Available for Delivery: https://www.bridgeport.wednet.edu/Page/169

Bridgeport High School FFA students are creating highlights of their chapter and sharing them with their community.
Click here to view their videos on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Bridgeport-School-District-1791175451208075/